5월, 2019의 게시물 표시

The government of Thailand hopes to have its signature spicy shrimp soup, or tom yum kung, recognized as a cultural heritage item by UNESCO.

The government of Thailand hopes to have its signature spicy shrimp soup, or tom yum kung, recognized as a cultural heritage item by UNESCO. To that end, preparations are underway to launch public hearings to gather opinions and share related information, with an eye to submitting a formal application to UNESCO. The scrumptious spicy soup is a staple in the so-called "Land of Smiles" and relies on traditional recipes that have been passed down for generations.

Nearly 75 years after surrendering to the United States of America at the end of WWII, Japan has significantly altered its so-called defensive posture.

Nearly 75 years after surrendering to the United States of America at the end of WWII, Japan has significantly altered its so-called defensive posture. The latest changes come at the conclusion of US President Trump's four-day state visit to the former WWII belligerent. Although the changes had already been announced in December last year, Prime Minister Abe drove home the point by making the announcement again, this time in conjunction with the US President and while standing aboard Japan's largest military ship.

Amid the protracted trade dispute between China and the US, Beijing is said to be considering cutting exports of so-called rare earths.

Amid the protracted trade dispute between China and the US, Beijing is said to be considering cutting exports of so-called rare earths. China supplies about 80% of U.S. imports of rare earths, which are used in a multitude of applications from smartphones to electric vehicles. The term "rare earths" is something of a misnomer, as many of the elements are relatively abundant. Nevertheless, China is by far the largest producer of these essential elements, having almost 70% of global production.

2019. May. 31. Global Headline News #Budapest #Hungary #African #Japanese #Israel #Argentina #physique #environment

Global Headlines HEADLINE 1 Search and rescue efforts for South Korean tourists still missing after their boat sank in Budapest, Hungary continue for a second day. HEADLINE 2 The first case of African pig fever in North Korea has been officially confirmed. HEADLINE 3 The Japanese government will reportedly strengthen inspection protocols of fishery products imported from South Korea starting next month. HEADLINE 4 As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to form a new coalition government, Israel’s parliament voted to dissolve itself and hold new elections. HEADLINE 5 A general strike launched in Argentina to protest the government‘s austerity measures has paralyzed the country. HEADLINE 6 The size and shape of students' desks and chairs will change in line with changes in the educational environment as well as students' growing physique.

Global Headlines #US #Japan #NorthKorean #China #Beijing #NewZealand #Venezuela #sizzling

Global Headlines HEADLINE 1 The U.S. Treasury Department has named nine countries, including South Korea, China and Japan to its latest currency manipulation watch list. HEADLINE 2 Japan plans to reach out to North Korean officials next week in Mongolia to propose a summit “without conditions” between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. HEADLINE 3 Beijing has issued the world’s first L4 license plates for autonomous vehicles. HEADLINE 4 More than 50,000 teachers have gone on strike in the largest protest of its kind ever seen in New Zealand. HEADLINE 5 Inflation in Venezuela surpassed 130,000% last year, with the nation’s Central Bank stating that the economy has been reduced by half of what it was in 2013. HEADLINE 6 The southeast region of the U.S. has been sizzling in unseasonably hot temperatures.

영화 '드림걸즈(Dreamgirls, 2006)'리뷰, 자신의 실력을 믿고 도전해야 벽을 넘을 수 있다!

영화 '드림걸즈(Dreamgirls, 2006)’는 뮤지컬 영화 '시카고'를 떠올리는 기대감으로 봤던 영화다. 그러나 영화 ‘드림걸즈’는 뮤지컬 영화 장르면서도 ‘도전과 실패’에 대해 근본적인 질문을 던지는 아주 교훈적인 영화다.    영화 ‘드림걸즈’는 1960년대를 풍미한 당대의 흑인여성 트리오 슈퍼림스의 이야기를 바탕으로 1981년 제작된 동명의 히트 브로드웨이 뮤지컬을 대형스크린으로 옮긴 영화다. 3명의 무명 여가수는 자신들의 능력을 인정해주는 한 매니저와 다양한 무대에 진출하기 시작한다. 그리고, 흑인을 차별하는 세상에 대한 절망감을 맛보지만 좌절하지 않고 그 벽을 넘어선다. 그러면서 자신을 벽을 넘어야 하는 시스터즈에 맞추지 못한 한 여인은 탈퇴하게 된다. 다시 다른 멤버로 구성된 그룹 시스터즈는 화려함 속으로 성장해가고, 반면 낙오된 여인은 나락으로 떨어지게 된다. 그리고 전혀 다른 위치에서 각자의 진심을 담은 무대를 갖게 된다. 결과적으로 결국 그들은 자신이 극복 할 수 없을 것이라 생각했던 인종차별의 벽은 쉽게 넘었지만, 그룹내의 자기 실력의 벽은 쉽게 넘지 못했다. 영화 ‘드림걸즈’는 외부의 벽으로 인해 자신의 실력을 노출하지 못했다고 불평하기 전에, 어쩌면 자신 스스로의 실력을 노출하는 것에 대한 두려움을 갖고 있는 건 아닌가 돌아보게 하는 영화다. 자신의 실력이 낮다는 것을 알게 될까, 혹은 자신의 실력을 넘어선 사람을 보게 될까, 혹은 스스로 실력을 높이지 못하게 될까 하는 ‘두려움’말이다. 누구나 꿈을 꾸면서 살아간다. 그러나 꿈을 이루기 위해 극복해야 하는 것은 바로 두려움이다. 실패할지도 모른다는, 자신의 실력이 부족할 것이라는 불안한 두려움은 새로운 도전과 꿈을 방해한다. 그러나, 꿈이든 뭐든 현재의 자신의 실력으로 도전한 뒤 실패하고 나서 돌아서는 것이 더 후련할 수 있다. “해볼걸 그랬나?”라고 생각하는 것보다 오히려 도전하고 실패하면 다시 다른 길

As such, they hope their discovery will narrow down possible mining sites by working in conjunction with existing tools.

As such, they hope their discovery will narrow down possible mining sites by working in conjunction with existing tools.  The researchers explained that gold acts as a catalyst to help break down certain forms of carbon that in turn feed the fungus.  Australia is the world’s second-largest producer of gold, but its output is expected to fall unless more deposits are discovered.

The US video streaming service, Neflix has taken a stand over a proposed new abortion law in the state of Georgia.

The US video streaming service, Neflix has taken a stand over a proposed new abortion law in the state of Georgia. In addition, other Hollywood figures have called for a moratorium on producing films in the state.  According to the Motion Picture Association of America, movie production in the state has an overall economic impact of more than 9.5 billion dollars.  The region plays such a prominent role in film production that many people refer to it as 'Y'allywood.'

the former wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, has pledged to donate nearly half of her 35 billion dollar personal fortune to charity. 

In an act of admirable philanthropy, MacKenzie Bezos, the former wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, has pledged to donate nearly half of her 35 billion dollar personal fortune to charity.  The couple announced the dissolution of their marriage last month in separate statements. In her statement, MacKenzie Bezos described having a disproportionate amount of money that she felt compelled to share.  Although Mr. Bezos has praised his ex-wife's actions, he has yet to reciprocate what she has done.

With smartphone sales stagnant, not buying new handsets is quickly becoming the latest trend according to one US media outlet.

With smartphone sales stagnant, not buying new handsets is quickly becoming the latest trend according to one US media outlet. In response, manufacturers are releasing devices with flashy new features in an attempt to woo consumers. However, many people expect shoppers to balk at the staggering prices of these new high-tech units. Super-fast 5G connectivity is also being looked at as a way to entice people to switch their existing devices for new ones.

Singapore's National Environment Agency has recently issued a $300 littering fine to a man who shot two rubber bands that landed on a public road.

Singapore's National Environment Agency has recently issued a $300 littering fine to a man who shot two rubber bands that landed on a public road. The small island city-state is infamous for its stern anti-littering laws that have stunned many unsuspecting culprits. In a statement to the public, Agency officials sought to remind people that littering has environmental consequences. According to officials, 39,000 people last year were fined for littering in Singapore, marking an increase of 7,000 from the previous year.

英 파이낸셜 타임스(FT), 부유층 대상 브랜디드 콘텐츠로 월 이용자 40% 증가

- 파이낸셜 타임스(FT)는 부유층 독자를 타깃으로 한 럭셔리 라이프스타일 매거진 ‘하우 투 스펜드 잇(How To Spend It)’으로 성공을 거두고 있으며, 독자들은 해당 웹 사이트에 대략 5분 정도 머무르는 것으로 나타남.   - ‘하우 투 스펜드 잇’은 주로 여행, 패션, 음식 및 음료 등에 대해 다룸. 해당 사이트에서는 부유층에 적합한 명품 등을 판매하고 있으며, 이들은 사이트 트래픽의 70%를 차지함. - 또, 지난해 일반 뉴스레터를 5개의 주제로 나눠 제공하는 등 뉴스레터 전략을 재정비한 것도 독자 증가의 한 요인. ‘하우 투 스펜드 잇’ 이메일은 오픈율 42%, 클릭률 12%를 기록함. 한 가지 형식의 뉴스레터를 5가지 주제별로 나눈 후 월별 가입률이 76%, 뉴스레터 소개 페이지의 페이지뷰 역시 150% 증가함. 미국 IT전문매체 디지데이(Digiday)는 지난 17일, 파이낸셜 타임스(FT)가 부유층 독자를 타깃으로 하는 매거진 ‘하우 투 스펜드 잇(How To Spend It)’의 성공전략을 소개함.  FT의 ‘하우 투 스펜드 잇’은 부유층 쇼핑객들에게 어필해 상품 구매를 유도하고 있으며, 방문자들은 웹 사이트에 대략 5분 정도 머무르는 것으로 나타남. ○ ‘하우 투 스펜드 잇’은 주로 여행, 패션, 음식 및 음료 등에 대해 다룸. 해당 사이트를 통해 부유층에게 적합한 명품 등을 판매하고 있으며, 이들은 사이트 트래픽의 70%를 차지함. FT.com 독자들은 이 사이트에서 평균 4분 40초를 머무는 반면, FT 독자가 아닌 경우 52초로 감소함. 통상 업계에서는 이용자가 사이트에 머무르는 시간이 2분 이상이면 성공적이라고 평가함 ○ FT에 따르면, 지난 한 해 디스플레이 광고 및 브랜디드 콘텐츠(branded content)에서 창출되는 디지털 광고 수익이 최대 기록을 달성함. 텍스트와 비디오로 구성된 브랜디드 콘텐츠뿐 아니라 지난해부터 ‘하우 투 스펜드 잇’은 ‘공동 브랜드 마이크로사이트’(대형 웹 사이

A so-called traffic jam on Mount Everest has been described by one person as having caused a scene of carnage.

A so-called traffic jam on Mount Everest has been described by one person as having caused a scene of carnage. Another seasoned climber described seeing unbelievable chaos at the mountain's summit. A chilling photo published online last week shows some 300 people waiting to summit the famed mountain. In a period of less than two weeks, overcrowding on Everest is said to have caused 11 people to perish. Some are already estimating that the number of climbers reaching the summit in 2019 could exceed last year’s record of 807 people.

Global Headlines #knifewielding #Japanese #Tokyo #Austria #Manaus #Bloomberg #WHO #NorthKorea

Global Headlines HEADLINE 1 A knife-wielding man attacked a group of elementary school children in the Japanese city of Kawasaki, resulting in at least 18 casualties. HEADLINE 2 A court in Japan has ruled against a group of 27 Koreans who were pressing for the removal of their deceased relatives' names from the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo. HEADLINE 3 Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has been ousted in a no-confidence vote. HEADLINE 4 At least 55 inmates have died in riots that broke out at four prisons in the city of Manaus in western Brazil. HEADLINE 5 Bloomberg reported that further escalation in the US-China trade war could slash global GDP by $600 billion annually within two years. HEADLINE 6 A report by the World Health Organization showed that North Korea’s air pollution mortality rate stood at 207.2 deaths per 100,000 population, or more than 10 times higher than the rate in South Korea.

(아시아나항공) 노선 운휴 안내... 항공권발권처로 연락하라...

(아시아나항공) 노선 운휴 안내... 항공권발권처로 연락하라...

Stargazers around the world have recently taken notice of a string of satellites launched by Elon Musk's company, SpaceX.

Stargazers around the world have recently taken notice of a string of satellites launched by Elon Musk's company, SpaceX. The 60 satellites are part of a grandiose plan to bring space-based internet to the world via a collection of some 12,000 satellites. Although it's currently the case, the Starlink satellites won't be bunched up for much longer. Over the next few days, the satellites will disperse as they move into a slightly higher orbit.

A proposed new law in New York state could see pedestrians there fined for using mobile devices as they cross the street.

A proposed new law in New York state could see pedestrians there fined for using mobile devices as they cross the street. The law is part of a push to increase public safety for both pedestrians and drivers. While some people see the need for such a law, others feel that it goes too far. A first offense would be met with a $50 fine, while two-time offenders would have to cough up $100. The maximum fine would be set at $250 for third and subsequent offenses.

The astronomical price of a new gene therapy treatment in the U.S. is raising eyebrows.

The astronomical price of a new gene therapy treatment in the U.S. is raising eyebrows. Costing 2.1 million dollars, the new treatment is the first of a group of gene therapies that are said to cure deadly inherited conditions. While many new treatments have been priced at hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, few have crossed the million-dollar threshold. Apart from the staggering price, the company also released a plan to allow insurance companies to pay for the treatment in installments over five years.

2019. May. 28. Global Headline News #EuropeanParliament #FiatChryslerAutomobiles #France #Huawei #SDAssociation #JejuIsland #Korea #businesswoman #Oxbridge

Global Headlines HEADLINE 1 Results of the European Parliament elections showed far-right and pro-environment parties gaining ground. HEADLINE 2 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles is looking to merge with France's Renault to create the world's third-largest automaker. HEADLINE 3 Huawei has been banned from Wi-Fi Alliance, SD Association, and other standards groups. HEADLINE 4 Severe rain and strong winds have hit the southern region of the nation, including Jeju Island, causing casualties and heavy damage. HEADLINE 5 Korea's per-capita electricity use hit an all-time high in 2018. HEADLINE 6 A businesswoman and media executive is to become the first black person to lead an Oxbridge college.

With US president Donald Trump having embarked on a state visit to Japan, it's been reported that he will fly nearly 58,000 kilometers this summer.

With US president Donald Trump having embarked on a state visit to Japan, it's been reported that he will fly nearly 58,000 kilometers this summer. At the start of his presidency, Trump's staff often clamored to be part of his overseas trips. But now, several officials said they avoid the trips because of their tumultuous nature. One staff member went as far as to say that the trips were akin to being held captive because the president rarely sleeps when flying.

Korean novelist extraordinaire, Han Kang, recently delivered a manuscript to a library in Norway, but there's a twist: the novel won't be printed until 2114.

Korean novelist extraordinaire, Han Kang, recently delivered a manuscript to a library in Norway, but there's a twist: the novel won't be printed until 2114. The so-called Future Library Project includes 1,000 newly planted seedlings that will provide the paper for the library's books. Han delivered her novel wrapped in white cloth and said that the ceremony was akin to her novel marrying the forest. She was the fifth author invited to participate in the project and the first from Asia.

Korean film phenom Bong Joon-ho has made history at the Cannes Film Festival by becoming the first ever Korean director to take home the Festival's top prize.

Korean film phenom Bong Joon-ho has made history at the Cannes Film Festival by becoming the first ever Korean director to take home the Festival's top prize. Bong is known for transcending traditional genres, and his style has been dubbed “Bong-tail," a mix of Bong and detail. A native of Daegu, Bong graduated from Yonsei University's sociology department and the Korean Academy of Film Arts. His early 16-millimeter short films garnered a great deal of attention.

Global Headlines #Parasite #CannesFilmFestival #TheresaMay #JPMorgan #GDP #WorldHealthOrganization #NationalPoliceAgency #Seoul

Global Headlines HEADLINE 1  Director Bong Joon-ho grabbed the highest honor at the 72nd Cannes Film Festival for his movie "Parasite." HEADLINE 2  UK Prime Minister Theresa May announced her resignation. HEADLINE 3 Multinational investment bank J.P. Morgan slashed the U.S. second-quarter GDP outlook to 1%. HEADLINE 4 The World Health Organization approved the revision of its International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, which adds gaming disorder to its list of recognized illnesses. HEADLINE 5  The National Police Agency has come up with a set of guidelines that delineates the difference between discipline and child abuse.  HEADLINE 6 The city of Seoul announced plans to reinstall some 329 km of electric distribution lines underground by 2029.

The wreckage of the last ship suspected of having smuggled people into the United States from Africa as part of the slave trade was recently discovered in the murky waters off the coast of Alabama.

The wreckage of the last ship suspected of having smuggled people into the United States from Africa as part of the slave trade was recently discovered in the murky waters off the coast of Alabama. According to historians who ID'd the ship, its owners deliberately set it on fire and sunk it more than 160 years ago to cover up its illicit past. A plan to preserve the site of the ship's discovery is currently in the works.

The pay gap between executives and rank-and-file employees of large companies in South Korea has eased slightly, but is still more than 10-fold, according to a recent survey.

The pay gap between executives and rank-and-file employees of large companies in South Korea has eased slightly, but is still more than 10-fold, according to a recent survey. The survey reported an average annual remuneration of just over 230 million won for executives and just over 20 million won for employees. The amounts mark a double-digit decline in the salaries of executives and a single-digit increase in the salaries of employees. The study was conducted on over 200 major listed companies in South Korea.

Airline industry experts foresee a need for some 800,000 new pilots globally over the next 20 years.

Airline industry experts foresee a need for some 800,000 new pilots globally over the next 20 years. The Asia-Pacific region is expected to account for roughly 30% of the total, with China taking the bulk of that. The demand is said to be the result of several different factors including the proliferation of low-cost carriers around the world. Consequently, these no-frills airlines and their mainstream counterparts are said to be lowering their hiring standards in a bid to fill the impending vacancies.

Global Headlines #NarendraModi #USmilitary #Huawei #British #Taiwanese #Japanese #Facebook #NorthKorean #China #Seoul

Global Headlines HEADLINE 1 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has secured another five-year term after winning a landslide general election victory. HEADLINE 2 The U.S. military sent two Navy ships again through the Taiwan Strait. HEADLINE 3 British, Taiwanese, and Japanese companies, among others, said they are putting on hold plans to continue doing business with Huawei, in the latest fallout from U.S. tech restrictions aimed at the Chinese company. HEADLINE 4 Facebook has taken down 230 accounts that were used to spread fake news ahead of the European Parliament vote this weekend. HEADLINE 5 A series of meetings in Shenyang, China between South Korean civic groups and their North Korean counterparts have been canceled. HEADLINE 6 Seoul is expected to be under its first heat wave advisory of the year today.

The female gender assigned to so-called digital assistants in smart devices allegedly entrenches gender bias, according to a recent UNESCO study. 

The female gender assigned to so-called digital assistants in smart devices allegedly entrenches gender bias, according to a recent UNESCO study.  The study suggests that the assistants' submissive responses reinforce the idea that women are subservient.  Online petitions in late 2017 led programmers to eliminate some of the assistants' most excessively apologetic or flirtatious responses.  UNESCO has called for changes including exploring the feasibility of developing a neutral gender specifically for machines.

More than one in 10 people around the world still live without electricity according to a recent report from the International Energy Agency, the World Bank, and the World Health Organization. 

More than one in 10 people around the world still live without electricity according to a recent report from the International Energy Agency, the World Bank, and the World Health Organization.  While many regions are gaining access to electricity at a faster pace, the prospects for many African countries remain bleak. In particular, sub-Saharan Africa is especially problematic with just 44% of people in 2017 having access to electricity.  The report also looked at so-called clean cooking, which is said to be vital to improving health by reducing smoke indoors.

The U.N. General Assembly has adopted a resolution calling for the U.K. to cede its control of the Chagos Islands back to Mauritius.

The U.N. General Assembly has adopted a resolution calling for the U.K. to cede its control of the Chagos Islands back to Mauritius. For its part, the U.K. had been trying to persuade its allies to abstain from the vote. Earlier this year, the International Court of Justice opined that the U.K. should end its administration of the islands with haste. The British-controlled Chagos Islands represent one of the last vestiges of the British Empire in the Indian Ocean.

Son Heung-min of #England's #Tottenham #Hotspur professional football club has won #accolades as one of the team's top players according to #British #media.

Son Heung-min of England's Tottenham Hotspur professional football club has won accolades as one of the team's top players according to British media. In particular, Son was singled out for his exceptional play after replacing the injured Harry Kane. Media outlets are praising Son for stepping up to the plate. This season, Son scored 20 goals, including 12 in EPL play, one in the FA Cup, three in the League Cup, and four in the UEFA Champions League.

Negative #interest rates in #Europe, which were touted as a short-term remedy to flagging #economies there, have persisted for several years.

Negative interest rates in Europe, which were touted as a short-term remedy to flagging economies there, have persisted for several years. Central banks there have been unable to wean their economies off them. The European Central Bank is worried that reversing the negative interest rate could pour cold water on the economy. Even typically robust economies like that of Germany's have faltered recently. This economic anxiety is expected to play a significant role in parliamentary elections in Europe this weekend.

After a spate of fatal accidents involving children in #Japan, Prime Minister #ShinzoAbe has instructed ministers there to ensure public safety on the #nation's roads.

After a spate of fatal accidents involving children in Japan, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has instructed ministers there to ensure public safety on the nation's roads. The Japanese Prime Minister also called for technological solutions to boost the safety of vehicles driven by the elderly, as the number of accidents caused by senior citizens behind the wheel has grown. The country's minister in charge of traffic safety plans to instigate a committee to sort out the matters brought forth by Abe.

2019. May. 22. Global Headlines #OECD #Macron #Russia #Europe #ArabEmirates #Taiwan #Suneung

Global Headlines HEADLINE 1 The OECD cut its growth outlook for S. Korea's economy to 2.4 percent. HEADLINE 2 French President Emmanuel Macron has warned that Russia and Europe's far-right and populist blocs are colluding to bring down the EU. HEADLINE 3 Russia is reportedly still building a military base to control the Arctic region. HEADLINE 4 The United Arab Emirates said it will grant permanent residency to 6,800 foreign investors. HEADLINE 5 Taiwan is now the first country in Asia to allow same-sex marriage. HEADLINE 6 The number of test takers in this year's Suneung or university entrance exam is expected to hit an all-time low.

A 37-year-old #Thai #photographer has captured stunning images of what he reports to be a blue #whale measuring 30 meters in length.

A 37-year-old Thai photographer has captured stunning images of what he reports to be a blue whale measuring 30 meters in length. The dramatic photos show the diver having a literal whale of a time while within reaching distance of the gentle giant. Talking to reporters, the diver-cum-photographer said that he was awed by the size of the beast. Blue whales are among the largest animals known to have ever existed on Earth, with the heaviest one ever recorded weighing 173 tons.

Three of #Philippines President #Rodrigo Duterte's #children posted resounding victories in that country's recent midterm #elections.

Three of Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte's children posted resounding victories in that country's recent midterm elections. More than 18,000 government posts were decided in the elections, which were marred by violence, accusations of vote-buying, and faulty counting machines. For eldest daughter Sara, many are saying that the stage is set for her to seek the top post in 2022. Like her father, Sara Duterte is said to be hot-tempered. Her father has gone on record as saying that while he is a mere private, his daughter is a general.

A sudden spate of new abortion laws in the #US. has ratcheted up the #prominence of reproductive rights in the 2020 presidential campaign. #Trump #Alabama #Georgia #Kentucky #Mississippi #Ohio

A sudden spate of new abortion laws in the U.S. has ratcheted up the prominence of reproductive rights in the 2020 presidential campaign. U.S. President Donald Trump has joined a chorus of Republicans distancing themselves from the new laws banning most abortions. Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Ohio recently adopted statutes that will ban abortions after doctors can first detect a fetal heartbeat. Nearly two dozen Democrats chided the Republican party for politicizing a decision they contend women should be free to make.

2019. May. 21. Global Headlines #Trump #Volodymyr #Huawei #Google #boycottApple #ISIS #Egyptian #British

Global Headlines HEADLINE 1 U.S. President Donald Trump issued a strong warning to Iran saying that it would face its "official end" if a war broke out between the two countries. HEADLINE 2 Volodymyr Zelenskiy was sworn in as Ukraine’s sixth president. HEADLINE 3 Google has suspended business with Huawei following Washington’s blacklisting of the Chinese company, triggering a “boycott Apple” campaign among Chinese consumers. HEADLINE 4 A riot stirred by ISIS supporters in a prison in Tajikistan killed at least 32 people. HEADLINE 5 The Egyptian government said that 12 terrorists linked to a bombing attack in Giza last week were killed in the capital Cairo and its vicinities. HEADLINE 6 The British government said it is considering banning British nationals from entering or remaining in parts of conflict-stricken Syria.

Ryu Hyun-jin, who pitches for the Los Angeles Dodgers, has been named Major League Baseball's Player of the Week in the National League for the first time in his career.

Ryu Hyun-jin, who pitches for the Los Angeles Dodgers, has been named Major League Baseball's Player of the Week in the National League for the first time in his career.  The left-hander threw 17 shutout innings, with 15 strikeouts, one walk and five hits, to earn the recognition.  He also pulled off a four-hit shutout against the Atlanta Braves, marking his first shutout since 2013.  On Sunday, he held the opposing team hitless until he conceded the game's only hit in the eighth inning.

Prince Andrew, Duke of York, visited Andong on May 14. Among the many stops on his itinerary, three of them mimicked stops made by his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, some two decades earlier.

Prince Andrew, Duke of York, visited Andong on May 14. Among the many stops on his itinerary, three of them mimicked stops made by his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, some two decades earlier.  During his visit, the Duke planted an apple tree, before relaying greetings from the Queen.  In her message, the Queen commented on the warm welcome she received on the occasion of her 73rd birthday.  The Duke also laid a fragment of ceramic as a prayer offering, just as his mother had done 20 years prior.

Nine Confucian academies in Korea have been recommended by a UNESCO council to be inscribed on its World Heritage List.

Nine Confucian academies in Korea have been recommended by a UNESCO council to be inscribed on its World Heritage List.  The application had been under deliberation since January 2018. Whether the academies will be inscribed will be decided at a meeting in Baku, starting from June 30.  If successful, Korea will have 14 items on the World Heritage List. This is Korea's second attempt to add seowon to the UNESCO list. The first attempt was deferred by the UNESCO council in April 2016.

You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream.

You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream. However, some areas of London are threatening to clamp down on ice cream trucks that roam the streets, if the vehicles do not become more environmentally friendly. Eager to save the industry from extinction, one ice cream truck manufacturer is working to develop a fully electric system by the end of the year. Toxic air has plagued London for years, with more than 9,000 people there estimated to die prematurely each year from long-term exposure to pollution.

Close to a month after the Notre Dame Cathedral fire, various ideas are pouring in from all over the world over how to restore the landmark.

Close to a month after the Notre Dame Cathedral fire, various ideas are pouring in from all over the world over how to restore the landmark. The suggestions range from the madcap to the modern. Many of the design suggestions include glass towers. But one would see a beam of light shoot up from a new spire into the sky, to serve as a de facto “lighthouse for lost souls.” According to some reports, 55% of French people want the spire restored to its original form.

Former US Vice President Joe Biden is rapidly emerging as a rival to incumbent U.S. President Donald Trump ahead of the full-fledged presidential election in 2020.

Former US Vice President Joe Biden is rapidly emerging as a rival to incumbent U.S. President Donald Trump ahead of the full-fledged presidential election in 2020. A recent opinion poll shows Biden with a commanding lead over all other candidates, with 39% of Democrats or Democratic-leaning independents saying he is their top choice for the nomination. However, there is a continuing criticism of whether it is the right strategy to bring forward Vice President Biden as a challenger to Trump.

Global Headlines #China #US #Tensions #financial #Iranian #Rouhani #Vietnam #Chineseairlines #teacher

Global Headlines HEADLINE 1 China said it will impose additional retaliatory tariffs ranging from 5 percent to 25 percent on $60 billion in U.S. goods at the start of next month. HEADLINE 2 Tensions are rising in the global financial market as the U.S.-China trade war intensifies. HEADLINE 3 Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has called for national unity among Iran’s political factions as the country faces tightening U.S. sanctions. HEADLINE 4 Vietnam culls 1.2 million pigs as African swine fever spreads to at least 29 regions. HEADLINE 5 Chinese airlines conducted test flights at a new mega-airport in Beijing that is set to become one of the world's busiest after it opens in September. HEADLINE 6 Nearly nine out of 10 teachers think the morale of teachers and educational staff has dropped.

‘프로듀스 X 101’ 1위 김요한 2위 이은상 3위 김민규 등 순위 변경 계속...

5월 첫 주 막을 올린 ‘프로듀스 X 101’은 1회, 2회를 걸쳐 다양한 끼와 매력을 가진 연습생들을 소개하며 화제를 모았다. 무엇보다 1회에서 인기를 끌던 연습생들의 순위는 2회를 끝내고 순위의 변화를 보였다. 지난 10일 2회 방송에서는 ‘프로듀스 X 101’에 오게 된 연습생들의 다양한 사연, 그리고 등급이 발표 된 후의 연습 장면들이 공개되면서 예상외의 등급을 받은 연습생들이 시청자들의 관심을 받았다. 다양한 장면들이 연출되면서 1회의 연습생들의 순위에도 큰 변화가 보였다. 1회에서 외모로 관심을 받으며 1위 자리를 차지했던 젤리피쉬 김민규는 3위로 내려왔고, 태권도가 특기라고 밝히며 심사위원들에게 매력적인 목소리를 선보였던 위 김요한이 1위를 차지했다. 2회 순위  1회 순위 또한, 1회에 14위였던 브랜뉴뮤직 이은상은 2위로, 37위였던 MBK의 남도현이 4위로 등극, 17위였던 송유빈이 5위로 올라오면서 순위에 큰 변화를 가져왔다. 또한 미리 공개된 ‘_지마’의 센터로 자리 잡은 DSP미디어의 손동표는 1회, 2회 모두 6위로 안정적인 순위에 올라있다. 5위였던 티오피미디어 김우석은 5위에서 7위로 떨어졌고, 배우로 활동했던 사이더스HQ의 박선호는 36위에서 8위로 올라왔다. 또한 첫 회에 2위였던 스타쉽 구정모가 9위로 내려왔고, 어린 나이에 대단한 춤 실력을 보유한 스타쉽 송형준은 9위에서 10위로 밀려났다. 온라인 투표와 관계없이 트레이너들은 연습생들 각자의 실력에 맞는 효과적인 트레이닝을 위해 기획사별 퍼포먼스로 레벨 A등급에서부터 X등급까지 연습생들이 나눴다. https://tv.naver.com/v/8329223   [2회] 위기의 X등급! 그래도 모두가 함께라면… 프로듀스 X 101 | [2회] 위기의 X등급! 그래도 모두가 함께라면… 당신의 소년에게 투표하라! 글로벌 아이돌 육성 프로젝트<프로듀스 X 101> 국민 프로듀서님, 잘 부탁드립니다! 매주 금요일 밤 11시 Mnet 본/

[직캠영상] ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 김요한 선공개 ‘_지마’ 무대

글로벌 아이돌 육성 프로젝트 Mnet ‘프로듀스 X 101’이 1회, 2회를 시작했다. 무엇보다 현재 등급을 나눠 ‘_지마’ 노래 무대를 준비하는 연습생들의 모습이 2회부터 방송을 시작했다. 그러나, 이미 ‘_지마’ 무대는 방송 전 온라인에 공개되어 많은 관심을 받고 있다. 공개된 영상에서 ‘_지마’ 무대의 센터는 지난 주 순위 6위의 손동표(DSP미디어)다. 현재 10위 안에 든 연습생들의 끼와 매력을 한눈에 볼 수 있는 직캠의 영상은 조회수로 그 인기를 실감하게 한다. ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 연습생 순위는 온라인 투표 및 녹화현장 점수를 합산한 결과로 방송의 마지막에 공개된다. 지난 주 공개된 ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 연습생 순위별 직캠 영상이다.  1위 김요한(위) 기분 좋은 김요한이라 움짤도 받았다. 멋지다... 김요한!! http://digitalchosun.dizzo.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/05/13/2019051380205.html

[직캠영상] ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 이은상 선공개 ‘_지마’ 무대

글로벌 아이돌 육성 프로젝트 Mnet ‘프로듀스 X 101’이 1회, 2회를 시작했다. 무엇보다 현재 등급을 나눠 ‘_지마’ 노래 무대를 준비하는 연습생들의 모습이 2회부터 방송을 시작했다. 그러나, 이미 ‘_지마’ 무대는 방송 전 온라인에 공개되어 많은 관심을 받고 있다. 공개된 영상에서 ‘_지마’ 무대의 센터는 지난 주 순위 6위의 손동표(DSP미디어)다. 현재 10위 안에 든 연습생들의 끼와 매력을 한눈에 볼 수 있는 직캠의 영상은 조회수로 그 인기를 실감하게 한다. ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 연습생 순위는 온라인 투표 및 녹화현장 점수를 합산한 결과로 방송의 마지막에 공개된다. 지난 주 공개된 ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 연습생 순위별 직캠 영상이다. 2위 이은상(브랜뉴뮤직) http://digitalchosun.dizzo.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/05/13/2019051380205.html

[직캠영상] ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 김민규 선공개 ‘_지마’ 무대

글로벌 아이돌 육성 프로젝트 Mnet ‘프로듀스 X 101’이 1회, 2회를 시작했다. 무엇보다 현재 등급을 나눠 ‘_지마’ 노래 무대를 준비하는 연습생들의 모습이 2회부터 방송을 시작했다. 그러나, 이미 ‘_지마’ 무대는 방송 전 온라인에 공개되어 많은 관심을 받고 있다. 공개된 영상에서 ‘_지마’ 무대의 센터는 지난 주 순위 6위의 손동표(DSP미디어)다. 현재 10위 안에 든 연습생들의 끼와 매력을 한눈에 볼 수 있는 직캠의 영상은 조회수로 그 인기를 실감하게 한다. ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 연습생 순위는 온라인 투표 및 녹화현장 점수를 합산한 결과로 방송의 마지막에 공개된다. 지난 주 공개된 ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 연습생 순위별 직캠 영상이다. 3위 김민규(젤리피쉬) http://digitalchosun.dizzo.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/05/13/2019051380205.html

[직캠영상] ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 남도현 선공개 ‘_지마’ 무대

글로벌 아이돌 육성 프로젝트 Mnet ‘프로듀스 X 101’이 1회, 2회를 시작했다. 무엇보다 현재 등급을 나눠 ‘_지마’ 노래 무대를 준비하는 연습생들의 모습이 2회부터 방송을 시작했다. 그러나, 이미 ‘_지마’ 무대는 방송 전 온라인에 공개되어 많은 관심을 받고 있다. 공개된 영상에서 ‘_지마’ 무대의 센터는 지난 주 순위 6위의 손동표(DSP미디어)다. 현재 10위 안에 든 연습생들의 끼와 매력을 한눈에 볼 수 있는 직캠의 영상은 조회수로 그 인기를 실감하게 한다. ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 연습생 순위는 온라인 투표 및 녹화현장 점수를 합산한 결과로 방송의 마지막에 공개된다. 지난 주 공개된 ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 연습생 순위별 직캠 영상이다. 4위 남도현(MBK) http://digitalchosun.dizzo.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/05/13/2019051380205.html

[직캠영상] ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 송유빈 선공개 ‘_지마’ 무대

글로벌 아이돌 육성 프로젝트 Mnet ‘프로듀스 X 101’이 1회, 2회를 시작했다. 무엇보다 현재 등급을 나눠 ‘_지마’ 노래 무대를 준비하는 연습생들의 모습이 2회부터 방송을 시작했다.  그러나, 이미 ‘_지마’ 무대는 방송 전 온라인에 공개되어 많은 관심을 받고 있다. 공개된 영상에서 ‘_지마’ 무대의 센터는 지난 주 순위 6위의 손동표(DSP미디어)다. 현재 10위 안에 든 연습생들의 끼와 매력을 한눈에 볼 수 있는 직캠의 영상은 조회수로 그 인기를 실감하게 한다.  ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 연습생 순위는 온라인 투표 및 녹화현장 점수를 합산한 결과로 방송의 마지막에 공개된다. 지난 주 공개된 ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 연습생 순위별 직캠 영상이다.  5위 송유빈(뮤직웍스) http://digitalchosun.dizzo.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/05/13/2019051380205.html

[직캠영상] ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 손동표 센터! 선공개 ‘_지마’ 무대

글로벌 아이돌 육성 프로젝트 Mnet ‘프로듀스 X 101’이 1회, 2회를 시작했다. 무엇보다 현재 등급을 나눠 ‘_지마’ 노래 무대를 준비하는 연습생들의 모습이 2회부터 방송을 시작했다.  그러나, 이미 ‘_지마’ 무대는 방송 전 온라인에 공개되어 많은 관심을 받고 있다. 공개된 영상에서 ‘_지마’ 무대의 센터는 지난 주 순위 6위의 손동표(DSP미디어)다. 현재 10위 안에 든 연습생들의 끼와 매력을 한눈에 볼 수 있는 직캠의 영상은 조회수로 그 인기를 실감하게 한다.  ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 연습생 순위는 온라인 투표 및 녹화현장 점수를 합산한 결과로 방송의 마지막에 공개된다. 지난 주 공개된 ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 연습생 순위별 직캠 영상이다.  위 손동표(DSP미디어) http://digitalchosun.dizzo.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/05/13/2019051380205.html

[직캠영상] ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 김우석 선공개 ‘_지마’ 무대

글로벌 아이돌 육성 프로젝트 Mnet ‘프로듀스 X 101’이 1회, 2회를 시작했다. 무엇보다 현재 등급을 나눠 ‘_지마’ 노래 무대를 준비하는 연습생들의 모습이 2회부터 방송을 시작했다.  그러나, 이미 ‘_지마’ 무대는 방송 전 온라인에 공개되어 많은 관심을 받고 있다. 공개된 영상에서 ‘_지마’ 무대의 센터는 지난 주 순위 6위의 손동표(DSP미디어)다. 현재 10위 안에 든 연습생들의 끼와 매력을 한눈에 볼 수 있는 직캠의 영상은 조회수로 그 인기를 실감하게 한다.  ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 연습생 순위는 온라인 투표 및 녹화현장 점수를 합산한 결과로 방송의 마지막에 공개된다. 지난 주 공개된 ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 연습생 순위별 직캠 영상이다.  7위 김우석(티오피미디어) http://digitalchosun.dizzo.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/05/13/2019051380205.html

[직캠영상] ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 박선호 선공개 ‘_지마’ 무대

글로벌 아이돌 육성 프로젝트 Mnet ‘프로듀스 X 101’이 1회, 2회를 시작했다. 무엇보다 현재 등급을 나눠 ‘_지마’ 노래 무대를 준비하는 연습생들의 모습이 2회부터 방송을 시작했다.  그러나, 이미 ‘_지마’ 무대는 방송 전 온라인에 공개되어 많은 관심을 받고 있다. 공개된 영상에서 ‘_지마’ 무대의 센터는 지난 주 순위 6위의 손동표(DSP미디어)다. 현재 10위 안에 든 연습생들의 끼와 매력을 한눈에 볼 수 있는 직캠의 영상은 조회수로 그 인기를 실감하게 한다.  ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 연습생 순위는 온라인 투표 및 녹화현장 점수를 합산한 결과로 방송의 마지막에 공개된다. 지난 주 공개된 ‘프로듀스 X 101’ 연습생 순위별 직캠 영상이다.  8위 박선호(sidusHQ) http://digitalchosun.dizzo.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/05/13/2019051380205.html