8월, 2018의 게시물 표시

레노버, IFA 2018에서 스마트 홈, 프리미엄 노트북 등 스마트 디바이스 신제품 공개

- 스마트 홈 에센셜 및 요가 PC 신제품, 씽크패드 X1 등 신제품 발표 - 사용자 경험 위주 노트북, 태블릿 제품으로 편의성 증대, 향상된 성능으로 생산성 향상 레노버는 8월 31일부터 독일 베를린에서 열리는 유럽 최대 국제가전박람회 ‘IFA 2018’에서 레노버의 연중 행사인 ‘테크 라이프 2018(Tech Life event)’를 통해 공개한 스마트 홈, 노트북, 증강현실(AR) 기기 등 신제품들을 발표했다. 레노버 스마트 전구(Lenovo Smart Bulb)_with_Smart_Phone 레노버 스마트 카메라(Lenovo Smart Camera)_with_Phone 레노버 스마트 플러그(Smart Plug)_With_Smart_Phone 레노버는 이번 IFA 2018 행사에서 스마트홈 디바이스인 ‘스마트 홈 에센셜(Smart Home Essentials)’을 비롯해 요가 PC 신규 제품군(Yoga C930, Yoga C630 WOS, Yoga S730), 새로운 씽크패드 X1 익스트림(ThinkPad X1 Extreme) 등 신제품을 잇따라 선보였다. 레노버의 ‘스마트 홈 에센셜(Lenovo Smart Home Essentials)’은 주거환경에 IT기술을 융합해 스마트한 환경을 제공한다. 최근 출시한 레노버 스마트 디스플레이와 결합해 멀티플랫폼 AI 에코시스템으로 원스톱 쇼핑을 할 수 있다. 특히 ‘레노버 링크 앱(Lenovo Link app)’은 특정작업을 자동화하고 제어하도록 지원하는 중앙 컨트롤 센터 역할을 한다. 또 구글 어시스턴트 및 아마존 알렉사와 호환이 가능한 인공지능(AI) ‘스마트 디스플레이’를 통해 가정에서 음성인식 기능을 활용할 수 있다. 스마트 홈 에센셜은 다른 스마트 기기와도 호환이 가능하도록 ‘레노버 스마트 플러그(Lenovo Smart Plug)’를 지원하며 적외선을 통해 야간에도 보안 감시가 가능한 ‘레노버 스마트 카메라(Lenovo Smart Camera)’, 그리고 레노버

At least 85 villages in Myanmar were flooded after a dam failure unleashed water.

At least 85 villages in Myanmar were flooded after a dam failure unleashed water. Over 63,000 people fled from their homes and traffic between major cities and the capital was disrupted after flooding damaged a connecting bridge. Waters have receded and authorities are probing for the cause. The dam was built around 2001 and was given the all-clear by inspectors just days before the breach. One government official says he has ruled out a flaw in the dam’s design.

Taiwan has become a global trash-dumping site after 86 countries have reportedly shipped more than 1 million tons of trash in the first half of this year.

Taiwan has become a global trash-dumping site after 86 countries have reportedly shipped more than 1 million tons of trash in the first half of this year. Taiwan's major clients for waste imports include the U.S., Japan and the United Kingdom. The United States exported 331,000 tons of refuse to Taiwan during this period, with an annual growth rate of 238%. Japan exported the largest amount of waste plastics to Taiwan. Authorities in Taiwan are alarmed by the trend and promise to take measures this year to clamp down on the trash trade.

U.S. President Donald Trump scoffed at the expenses of the South Korea-U.S.

U.S. President Donald Trump scoffed at the expenses of the South Korea-U.S. joint military exercises in a tweet, saying "There is no reason at this time to be spending large amounts of money on joint South Korea-U.S. war games.” He also added that he could instantly start the joint exercises again with South Korea and Japan if he so chooses. If he does, he purports they will be far bigger than ever before. The president's comments created confusion since it came after an announcement that the military drills will continue.

U.S. President Trump signed a proclamation allowing relief from quotas on Korean steel products.

HEADLINE 1 President Moon Jae-in on Thursday nominated five new ministers in his first Cabinet reshuffle.   HEADLINE 2 U.S. President Trump signed a proclamation allowing relief from quotas on Korean steel products.   HEADLINE 3 The downfall of currencies of emerging markets such as Argentina and Turkey are fueling concerns around the world.   HEADLINE 4 The record breaking heat wave that scorched the nation this year has been found to have also caused a sharp decline in the number of visitors to beaches nationwide.   HEADLINE 5 Starting next year, the installation of CCTV cameras inside buses will become mandatory.   HEADLINE 6 At least 94% of adults in Korea have used online platforms such as YouTube.

광화문맛집 mad for garlic 매드포갈릭 광화문D타워에서 ♡ 스테이크를 먹다.

완전 신나는 날. 오늘 스테이크 최고 ㅎ 매드포갈릭이다. 두개나 시켜먹었다. 신나는 날. 선배덕이다.♡♡ 피자도 먹었으나 사진은 없다. ㅋ 간만의 스테이크 저녁이다. 매드포갈릭 광화문D타워점

'미스터 션샤인' 고종이 떠오르는... 아픈 역사를 담고 있는 ‘고종의 길’을 걷다

힘없는 나라의 왕. 그 왕이 겪을 수 있는 일에 대한 아픈 이야기... 바로 아관파천이다.  드라마 '미스터 션샤인'에서 보여지는 힘없는 고종. 그럴 수 밖에 없던 역사적 사실을 담고 있는 바로 그 길을 다녀왔다.  덕수궁 돌담길 자락에 있는  ‘ 고종의 길 ’ 이  10 월 정식 개방을 앞두고  8 월 한 달간 시범 개방한 현장을 찾았다 . 대한제국 당시 미국 공사관이 만든 정동지도에 ‘왕의 길 ( King ’ s  Road)’ 로 표시되어  ‘ 고종의 길 ’ 이라 불리게 된 이 길은 구세군 서울제일교회 건너편에서 시작되어 정동 근린공원까지 이어지는 총  110m 의 길이다 .  덕수궁 길 쪽에서 시작되는  ‘ 고종의 길 ’  입구 오른편에는  2 층짜리 조선저축은행 중역 사택이 있다 .  한때 미 대사관 숙소로도 사용되었던 이 건물은 일본이 한반도를 수탈했다는 증거물이다 .  문화재청은 내년부터 시행되는 선원전 ( 璿源殿 )  영역의 발굴조사를 위해 이 건물을 올해 모두 철거할 예정이었으나 ,  이 부지가 활용된 과거의 흔적들과 당시의 역사를 국민에게 알리기 위해 한시적으로 개방해 공개했다 . 기세등등하던 일본을 피해 왕실의 안전을 도모한다는 핑계로  1896 년  2 월  11 일 ,  고종은 경복궁을 두고 이 길을 통해 러시아 공사관에 몸을 맡기게 된다 .  이것이 바로 아픈 역사의 기록인 아관파천 ( 俄館播遷 ) 이다 .  이때 감시를 피하고자 극비리에 궁녀의 교자를 타고 이동했다는 점은 황제로선 치욕적인 행차였다 .   왕의 길이라 불리는  ‘ 고종의 길 ’ 은 힘없는 나라의 왕이 겪어야만 하는 치욕적인 상황을 우리에게 산 증거로 보여주는 아픈 역사의 흔적이다 .  문화재청이  3 년간의 공사를 마무리 하고  10 월 정식 개방할 때 꼭 다시 돌아봐야 할  ‘ 고종의 길 ’ 은 잊지 말아야 할 아픈 역사의 길이다 .

여름을 보내다. 인사동카페 후식먹기 좋은 곳♡ 가래떡과 팥빙수

여름 밤의 시원함과 맛있음. 가래떡을 먹고 팥빙수를 먹다♡♡ 인사동 문화의거리

성북동맛집 성북동면옥집 함흥냉면을 먹다

난 냉면은 함흥냉면. 성북동 함흥냉면집이 함흥냉면으로는 맛있다. 종종가는데 요즘 사람 너무 많아서 좀 가기 그렇다. 좀 인기 떨어지면 가야지. 성북동면옥집 ,주소:서울특별시 성북구 성북동

Carpool service providers and taxi drivers continue to clash over which of the two should have the right to transport passengers.

Carpool service providers and taxi drivers continue to clash over which of the two should have the right to transport passengers. Taxi companies argue that carpool services threaten the safety of citizens because of violent crimes committed by drivers. However, those supporting carpooling services countered with statistics that show criminal records among Korea’s taxi drivers. For the public, the issue boils down to the need for safe, reliable, affordable transportation. Currently, carpooling services are allowed to operate at certain times of the day, namely rush hour.

Economic confidence among American households rose in August to its highest level since October 2000.

Economic confidence among American households rose in August to its highest level since October 2000. Factors including a buoyant job market and rising incomes are helping Americans to feel better about the economy. The jump in confidence suggests consumers are shrugging off worries about the Trump administration’s protectionist trade policies. As a result, many consumers said they planned to buy a house or other big-ticket items in the months ahead. However, not all indicators were rosy. Some analysts noted that some indicators show growth may slow in the near future.

Korean retailers are racing to automate their stores, with industry leaders having unveiled robots that can replace shop workers.

Korean retailers are racing to automate their stores, with industry leaders having unveiled robots that can replace shop workers. Some of these robots can simplify payment procedures by scanning customers’ veins. Others provide automated concierge services to shoppers. Some stores have elected to employ vending machines. Still others have adopted high-tech solutions that allow customers to pay via a mobile payment app without going through a checkout counter. For all the upsides, however, challenges still remain, including issues such as shoplifting.

HEADLINE 6 Korea defeated Vietnam to reach the men's football final at the 18th Asian Games.

HEADLINE 1 Damage and casualties mount in Seoul, Gyeonggi Province, northern areas of Gangwon Province, and elsewhere amid heavy rains.   HEADLINE 2 Following a Chinese military jet entering the Korea air defense identification zone, Korea's Ministry of National Defense summoned the defense attache at the Chinese Embassy in Seoul to deliver a protest message.   HEADLINE 3 The number of elementary, middle and high school students nationwide shrank by 160,000 last year.   HEADLINE 4 During the first half of the year, Samsung and LG took up half of the global TV market.   HEADLINE 5 A second deadly bombing took place in the Philippines (in less than a month) killing 2 and injuring 35.   HEADLINE 6 Korea defeated Vietnam to reach the men's football final at the 18th Asian Games.

China’s demographic crisis may spell the beginning of the end for its draconian population controls.

China’s demographic crisis may spell the beginning of the end for its draconian population controls. Faced with its own aging population and declining birthrate, China’s original “one child” policy and now its “two child” policy seem destined for the scrapheap. A state-run news agency has reported that lawmakers have scrubbed so-called “family planning” from a draft of upcoming laws. China first officially limited the number of children women could bear in 1979, though its leaders had encouraged its people to reduce family sizes even earlier, wary of millions more mouths to feed.

Chinese and U.S. negotiators are mapping out talks to try to end their trade standoff.

Chinese and U.S. negotiators are mapping out talks to try to end their trade standoff. The move comes ahead of planned meetings between President Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping in November. As tariffs on both sides begin to take a toll, the planned talks are aimed at ending the current spiraling impasse. A prolonged conflict with Washington threatens to derail China’s plans to remake its economy and transform into a global superpower. Meanwhile, America’s strong economy is said to be giving Washington leverage in negotiations with China.

Vietnam’s advance to the football semifinals at this year’s Asian Games has electrified the nation.

Vietnam’s advance to the football semifinals at this year’s Asian Games has electrified the nation. For some, the team’s recent victory at the Asian Games harkens back to January of this year when the team clinched a spot in the under 23 Asian Championships. Central to all the success is former Korean national team assistant coach Park Hang-seo. In fact, many in Vietnam are referring to his achievements as so-called “Park Hang-seo ‘Magic.’” Park’s next task will be to face-off against his compatriots when Vietnam plays Korea for a spot in the finals.

HEADLINE 2 Seoul lodged a strong protest against Tokyo’s renewed claim through its annual defense white paper to South Korea’s easternmost Dokdo Island.

HEADLINE 1 The government unveiled next year’s budget proposal which surpasses 470 trillion won.   HEADLINE 2 Seoul lodged a strong protest against Tokyo’s renewed claim through its annual defense white paper to South Korea’s easternmost Dokdo Island.   HEADLINE 3 Kim Jeong-ryeol, second vice minister for land, infrastructure and transport, said the government will look into the exact cause of the engine fires of dozens of BMW cars.   HEADLINE 4 A recent survey showed that the use of disposable plastic cups at coffee shops in Korea has decreased following a nationwide crackdown by the government.   HEADLINE 5 Korea said that foreigners will be required to stay in the country for at least 6 months instead of three in order to be eligible for the nation’s health insurance program.   HEADLINE 6 Heavy downpours batter Korea, causing damage nationwide.

Canada’s opposition Conservative Party has voted to work towards legislation to end citizenship by birthplace amid the booming Chinese birth tourism industry.

Canada’s opposition Conservative Party has voted to work towards legislation to end citizenship by birthplace amid the booming Chinese birth tourism industry. The move aims to deny Canadian citizenship of newborns if neither of the child's parents are Canadian citizens or permanent residents. Conservatives say birth tourism debases the value of Canadian citizenship. Liberals say the measure is based in social division and hatred. At one hospital at the center of the birth tourism industry, 474 births or over 1 in 5 babies were born to non-resident mothers last year.

Students in the United States embarked on a crusade to the Massachusetts headquarters of gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson to protest gun violence.

Students in the United States embarked on a crusade to the Massachusetts headquarters of gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson to protest gun violence. Over 100 protesters rallied outdoors and condemned the company for making the rifle used in the February mass shooting in Parkland, Florida. The group also wants the company to donate $5 million to gun violence research. Their protest came as news broke of a fatal mass shooting during a video game tournament at a riverfront mall in Jacksonville, Florida.

When it comes to economic growth, age is not just a number, as Korea’s working age population shrank for the first time, officially making the country an “aged society.”

When it comes to economic growth, age is not just a number, as Korea’s working age population shrank for the first time, officially making the country an “aged society.” According to Statistics Korea, the number of working age people between the ages of 15 and 64 fell by roughly 0.3 percent from 36.31 million in 2016 to 36.2 million last year. It is the first time that this number declined year-on-year since the statistics agency started collecting population data. As such, there is little hope that the working population can rebound as the number of people under the age of 15 keeps dwindling.

More than 1 million electric cars have been sold in Europe.

HEADLINE 1 The number of households in the country surpassed the 20 million mark for the first time.   HEADLINE 2 Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Kim Dong-yeon said that the government will increase next year’s social overhead capital budget, dedicating all efforts to job creation.   HEADLINE 3 For the third consecutive day, heavy rain is causing widespread damage across the nation.   HEADLINE 4 A mass shooting took place at a video game tournament in Jaksonville, Florida, resulting in 3 people dead and 11 injured.   HEADLINE 5 More than 1 million electric cars have been sold in Europe.   HEADLINE 6 Taiwan to make Chinese and English official languages starting next year.

우아하고 낭만적인 비 오는 날의 파리, ‘몽 파리(Mon Paris)’ 컬렉션 출시

프렌치 센슈얼 주얼리 디디에 두보가 ‘몽 파리(Mon Paris)’ 컬렉션을 출시했다. 디디에 두보의 몽 파리(Mon Paris) 컬렉션은 브랜드 아이덴티티가 담긴 프리미엄 라인으로, 고급스럽고 새로운 스타일을 선보인다. 독보적인 프렌치 감성을 선보이는 디디에 두보가 출시한 이번 몽 파리(Mon Paris) 컬렉션은 많은 예술가들이 매료된 비 오는 날의 파리 감성을 담았다.   천연석과 프렌치스러운 엔티크 컬러를 바탕으로 한 디자인은 빗방울이 떨어져 맺힌 모습을 다이아몬드의 불규칙한 배열을 통해 표현했다. 또한, 디디에 두보만의 센슈얼골드 컬러와 은은한 그레이 컬러의 엔티크 도금은 빗물을 머금은 듯 부드러운 색감이 시선을 사로잡는다. 특히, 이번 2018 FW 신제품은 센슈얼골드와 로즈골드 두 컬러의 제품으로 출시되었다. 디디에 두보만의 센슈얼골드 컬러 제품은 로즈골드 컬러 제품과 함께 레이어드하면 극적인 우아함과 고급스러움을 연출할 수 있다. 로즈골드 컬러에 식상함을 느끼거나 색다른 연출을 원한다면, 유니크한 센슈얼골드 컬러를 매치해 무드 있는 가을 주얼리 스타일링을 완성할 수 있다. 한편, 디디에 두보의 새로운 2018 FW 몽 파리(Mon Paris) 컬렉션은 8월 24일부터 전국 디디에 두보 매장 및 공식 온라인 쇼핑몰에서 만나볼 수 있다.

Vietnam's U-23 national football team, led by Korean coach Park Hang-seo made its debut at the quarterfinals in the Asian Games.

Vietnam's U-23 national football team, led by Korean coach Park Hang-seo made its debut at the quarterfinals in the Asian Games. Vietnamese media noted that Vietnam was the only Southeast Asian country to enter the men's soccer quarterfinals at this year's Asian Games in Indonesia. Park has also been praised by Korean media and there appears to be general consensus that he's proved his worth.

The United Nations warns that the current Venezuelan refugee crisis is evoking the darkest days of the European refugee crisis of 2015.

The United Nations warns that the current Venezuelan refugee crisis is evoking the darkest days of the European refugee crisis of 2015. Thousands of people are fleeing the country every day to escape an economic collapse. Hyperinflation has racked the economy and savings accounts have evaporated. The exodus is overwhelming neighboring countries including Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile and Argentina.

U.S. Senator John McCain passed away over the weekend after a yearlong battle with brain cancer.

U.S. Senator John McCain passed away over the weekend after a yearlong battle with brain cancer. The war hero is being remembered for his candor and bravery on the battlefield and in the halls of Congress. Over his 30-year career in Washington, he fought for campaign finance reform, comprehensive immigration reform and regulations against Big Tobacco.

The U.S. and China ended recent trade negotiations “empty handed” raising concerns their trade war will further intensify.

HEADLINE 1 Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon announced that the city will postpone the development of Yeouido and Yongsan areas.   HEADLINE 2 The 21st reunion of inter-Korean families separated by war concluded on Sunday.   HEADLINE 3 U.S. President Trump cancelled Secretary of State Pompeo’s visit to North Korea this week.   HEADLINE 4 The U.S. and China ended recent trade negotiations “empty handed” raising concerns their trade war will further intensify.   HEADLINE 5 With the number of smartphone owners surpassing the 50 million mark, the era of 1 smartphone per person has virtually begun.   HEADLINE 6 The Korea Meterological Administration forecast nationwide rain for today, with Gyeonggi Province and the Chungcheong region expecting up to 200 mm of precipitation, while other areas in the central region could receive between 50 and 150 mm of rain.

연희동 스시맛집 초밥맛집 '유쾌한 스시' 셋트에 1만원기본♡

연희동 사는 우리가 종종 가족 점심 먹으러가는  연희동 유쾌한스시. 우동스시정식은 1만원이다. 정말 잘나온다. 주문하면 만들어서 시간이 걸리지만. 오늘도 가족모두 만족. 조카만 지 먹고싶은거 따로 시켜먹고 우린모두 1만원 우동세트. 맛있는 점심이다. 유쾌한스시

내 아이디는 강남미인’ 차은우, “딴 남자한테 업히지 마.” 임수향에게 직진 시작!

차은우가 이웃사촌이 된 임수향을 향한 거침없는 돌진을 시작한 ‘내 아이디는 강남미인’이 전국 4.4%, 수도권 5.0%의 시청률을 기록하며, 자체 최고 시청률을 유지했다.(닐슨코리아, 유료가구 기준)   지난 24일 방송된 JTBC 금토드라마 ‘내 아이디는 강남미인’(극본 최수영, 연출 최성범)에서는 생애 첫 자취를 시작한 도경석(차은우)의 혹독한 현실 적응기와 그와 이웃사촌이 된 강미래(임수향)의 설레는 자취 라이프가 그려졌다. 또한, 캠퍼스 밖에서도 이어지는 도래 커플의 은근한 썸은 방송 말미 술에 취한 미래를 데려다 준 후, “딴 남자에게 업히지 마”라는 경석의 직구로 한층 아찔한 전개를 예고했다. 우영(곽동연)의 옥탑방 룸메이트로 미래와 같은 동네에서 자취를 시작한 경석. 예고도 없이 어느 날 갑자기 생긴 새로운 이웃사촌인 그가 미래의 일상을 흔들기 시작했다. 같은 동네인 만큼 수시로 마주치는 경석의 행동들이 미래를 설레게 했기 때문. 이날 평소처럼 쓰레기 분리수거를 하러 나섰던 미래는 갑자기 뒤에서 나타난 경석에 몹시 놀랐다. 무던한 표정으로 백허그를 하듯 미래 뒤에 선 경석이 그녀 너머로 분리수거를 시작한 것. 당황한 표정의 미래는 “나 버리고 있으니 기다려”라고 쏘아붙였다. 하지만 발을 헛디뎌 삐끗한 발목을 봐주거나, “잘 가”라는 말에 “그래, 또 봐”라고 답한 경석의 별 것 아닌 인사에도 “또 봐? 매일 이렇게 봐?”라며 계속해서 그를 의식하고 있었다. 한편, 태어나 처음으로 홀로서기를 결심한 경석이 만난 현실은 혹독했다. “월세 5만원 플러스 관리비의 반. 식비는 각자, 청소는 매일”이라는 우영의 제안은 꽤 괜찮은 것이었지만, 경석은 막막했다. 빈손으로 집을 나온 경석의 지갑에는 탈탈 털어봐도 500원짜리 하나와 100원짜리 세 개 뿐. 편의점에서 삼각 김밥 하나도 살 수 없는 돈이었다.  우영의 말대로 “집 나오니 현실”이라는 걸 깨달은 경석은 월세에 관리비와 식비, 그리고 교통비 등 생활비를