Jesus Story: Jesus Is Missing 성경이야기 예수님을 잊어버리다

예수님을 잊어버리다 Jesus Is Missing

Every year, Jesus' parents would go to Jerusalem
for the feast of Passover.
When Jesus was twelve,
they took Him with them.

After the feast was over,
they started for home.
The boy Jesus remained in Jerusalem.
His parents did not know it.

On the way back home,
they noticed He was missing.
Then they returned to Jerusalem.
They looked for Him everywhere.
They couldn't find Him.

Then Mary came to Jesus.
She said to Him,
"Son, we have been so worried about you."
He answered,
"I had to be in my Father's house."

Then Jesus returned home
with his parents.
He grew taller and wiser
in favor with God and men.

이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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