

"Harry Potter" author J .K. Rowling has launched an online Potter hub to keep children educated and entertained during the coronavirus pandemic.

"Harry Potter" author J .K. Rowling has launched an online Potter hub to keep children educated and entertained during the coronavirus pandemic. Features of the hub include articles, puzzles and videos, and as Rowling put it at the time of its release, “Parents, teachers and carers working to keep children amused and interested while we're on lockdown might need a bit of magic". Rowling previously announced she was relaxing copyright permissions around the "Harry Potter" series, allowing teachers to post videos of themselves reading aloud from the books for their students.

Saudi Arabia is ramping up its oil output, boosting production capacity and hiring new tankers to fight its price war with Russia, despite the coronavirus pandemic’s erosion of demand for crude.

Saudi Arabia is ramping up its oil output, boosting production capacity and hiring new tankers to fight its price war with Russia, despite the coronavirus pandemic’s erosion of demand for crude. The world’s biggest oil exporter is producing above 12 million barrels a day, at maximum capacity, and about two million barrels a day more than a month ago. There are signs that some of this extra oil has virtually no place to go. Some of the vessels the kingdom has hired to help it increase exports are leaving ports filled with oil, but have no destination.

Authorities were searching Friday for the daughter and a grandson of former Maryland Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend...

Authorities were searching Friday for the daughter and a grandson of former Maryland Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend after a canoe they were paddling in the Chesapeake Bay didn’t make it back to shore. A statement released said they may have been paddling the canoe to retrieve a ball and couldn’t paddle back. An overturned canoe matching the one used by the missing people was found. A county executive said “news of this tragedy hit me and my family hard this morning. We are holding Kathleen and her family in the light, and holding our own loved ones a little closer.”

HEADLINE... COVID-19 , Queen Elizabeth II, Wuhan, coronavirus, Bronx Zoo

HEADLINE 1 European nations most ravaged by COVID-19 have reported encouraging signs in their fight against the pandemic. HEADLINE 2  Queen Elizabeth II has given a televised speech, saying “together we are tackling this disease, and I want to reassure you that if we remain united and resolute, then we will overcome it.” HEADLINE 3 Wuhan residents are waiting for their unprecedented lockdown to be lifted this week, but concerns remain about further infections. HEADLINE 4 A tiger at the Bronx Zoo in New York, has become the first of her kind to test positive for the coronavirus.

2019 금융소득 거래명세서 100만원을 초과하는 계좌에 통보

금융소득 거래명세서 100만원을 초과하는 계좌에 통보... ​http://blog.naver.com/chanlan/221504810100 금융소득 거래명세서 금융소득 100만원 초과자 통보, 2천만원초과 금융소득 종합과세 대상 2018년에는 1,208,199원인데 2019년은 2,012,004원이다. 그나마 좀 더 많이 벌었다. ^^: 투자금은 더 들어갔는데... 비율로 하면 쫌.. 그런가...  키움증권에서 금융소득 본인통보 안내문이 왔다. 키움증권으로 주식 거래 중이라서 거기서 온거다. ​확인 사항을 아래와 같다! ​ ▶금융소득 본인 통보 금융소득 종합과세 신고를 위하여 소득세법 제133조 및 동법 시행령 제 193조에 의거하여 고객님의 2019년 귀속 금융소득(이자&배당)과 징수된 기납부 세액을 통보하여 드립니다. 통보내용: 2019년 귀속 금융소득 및 원천징수내역(비과세,분리과세 포함) 통보대상:1년간 발생한 이자&배당소득이 100만원을 초과하는 계좌. ​ ▶금융소득 종합과세란? 개인별 연간 금융소득(이자&배당소득)의 합계액이 2천만원으 ㄹ초과하는 경우, 다른 종합과세대상소득과 합산하여 종합소득세율로 과세하는 제도입니다. ​ ▶종합소득세신고 추가안내사항 이 명세서는 소득세법 따라 작성&교부하여 드리는 것이며, 전 금융회사를 통해 종합과세대상 금융소득(이자&배당소득)의 연간 개인별 합계 금액이 2천만원을 초과하는 경우에는 다른 종합소득신고대상 소득(사업&근로&기타&연금소득)과 합산하여 5월 중에 주소지 관할세무서에 종합소득세를 신고&납부하셔야 합니다. ​ 금융소득이 2천만원 이하인 경우에도 소득세법 제 127조에 의해 원청징수되지 아니한 이자&배당 소득이 있을 경우 종합소득세 확정신고를 하셔야 합니다. ​명세내역에 이상이 있거나 확인이 필요한 경우 반드시 당사 키움금융센터(1544-9000)에 확인하시기 바랍니다

The European Commission told Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban that emergency powers he has assumed to combat the coronavirus outbreak risk upending democracy...

The European Commission told Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban that emergency powers he has assumed to combat the coronavirus outbreak risk upending democracy and must be subject to parliamentary and media scrutiny. Orban secured an open-ended right to rule by executive decree. Also, under a new law anybody deemed to be hindering measures to curb the spread of the virus or spreading false information faces up to five years in jail. More than a dozen EU member states including Germany, Italy, Spain and France have expressed concern that the new law could be used to muzzle journalists critical of Orban.