Jesus Is Born

The Roman emperor wanted to count
all the people in his empire.
So he ordered everyone to return
to their hometown.

Then Mary and Joseph headed for Bethlehem.
The trip to Bethlehem was long and tiring.

Yes. Finally they arrived in Bethlehem.
Mary was about to give birth.

They looked for a place to stay.
No. They couldn't find any.

So they went into a stable.
There Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born.
Mary wrapped Him in cloths.
Then she laid Him in a manger.

Following a special star,
three wise men from the east came
to the stable.
They saw the baby Jesus lying in the manger.

They bowed down and worshiped Him.
They gave Him precious gifts:
gold, incense, and myrrh.

Then some shepherds joined them.
Yes. They also worshiped Him.
They were very happy.


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