Emperor Akihito of Japan will abdicate tomorrow at the age of 85, becoming the first Japanese monarch to retire in over 200 years.

Emperor Akihito of Japan will abdicate tomorrow at the age of 85, becoming the first Japanese monarch to retire in over 200 years. He is the first emperor of modern Japan to have reigned without his country ever being at war.

Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko made headlines multiple times by visiting neighboring countries in order to smooth relations.

For instance, in 1992, during a visit to China, he said he felt “deep sorrow” about an “unfortunate period in which my country inflicted great suffering on the people of China.” His elder son, Crown Prince Naruhito, will succeed him as emperor.

In Japan, the Emperor is a figurehead without political power. But the monarchy is still an important institution there, and his abdication is likely to have a lasting impact.


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